Imagine a vast space, dark, cold and bleak. Once your eyes get used to the darkness you see thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of people in every possible place sitting, laying, standing with their phones, pads, computers or watches intently peking on their gadgets writing, posting, sharing, commenting. In their minds, at that moment what they’re doing is very important.
They spread news about hurricanes, fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, famines. Some write about their dogs, cats, kids, & loves.They share mundane things like their oatmeal or coffee, they share funny things that their kids or pets did. They express their opinions, have debates and fights with total strangers.
All of these activities are an attempt to connect to other human beings. They are cries of lonely people who yearn for friendship and companionship. They are pleas for understanding and closeness. Everyone tries in his own manner to be noticed in anyway possible. Some take photos, some paint, some make videos, and
some show off their possessions.
Here we are millions of us adrift in the ocean of existence sending out SOSs across the universe begging for attention, for friendship and for love.
What we’re not aware of is that we are trapped in a black hole and no one can hear us. 👽
Happy posting. 💻📱⌚️