Saturday, September 5, 2020

 Why is the world so chaotic?  It's September and it's hot as hell. California is burning and some other states are having floods and hurricanes.  We are still in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic. Large number of people are still dying.  The world is weary of the pandemic because governments and people want to get back to business as usual but they can't.  The American election is less than 2 months away and Russians are at it again. Trump is still president and is acting crazier by the day. The mystery of this century is that he still has supporters.  Putin is still poisoning his opposition and all the other nations are paralyzed and can't do anything.  People are feeling isolated and lonely.  Vast number of people have lost their jobs, their health insurance and can't feed their kids.  Most rich people are getting richer like the owner of Amazon Jeff Bezos because I and billions of others are shopping online because we are too scared to go to stores.  My mind is melting from the heat and boardroom. I have been having weird dreams like dreaming about my childhood home being renovated or that I'm a murderer of child abusers. I hate cooking more than ever but I'm also sick of eating fast food. I keep thinking I could live with coffee and ice cream alone. Mosquitoes are bitting the hell out of me this year.  I keep finding more junk around the house to throw away witch is a good thing. I have started to envy singer songwriters because they can express the most mundane and elementary feelings and thoughts and still get rich and famous.  I wish I had more people to talk to.  There is nothing good to watch on TV or Netflix or Amazon or anywhere else.  Is the world coming to an end? I don't know anything anymore.