I have this one memory of my childhood that I cherish. One summer day my dad came home and told us kids to pack some bread, cheese and hard boiled eggs because we were going to have a picnic. It was my three older sisters and I that would go. One of the older sisters packed everything we needed. We crammed in dad’s VW Beetle which was either light green or light blue I can’t remember and off we went. We didn’t know where he was taking us, we were just happy to be out of the house, out of the city and with dad. The whole time he was driving we were singing in our excited shrieking voices. He loved it when we sang but he kept asking us to lower our voice. Finally he stopped the car and we all got out. The place was outside of town in the countryside. There was a stream gurgling happily nearby. Dad told us to pick some mint that had grown on the banks of the stream and wash it. We spread our picnic blanket and placed a tablecloth in the middle. We arranged our Lavash bread, feta cheese and hard boiled eggs on it and also the freshly picked mint leaves. The reason my dad asked us to bring eggs because that was his favorite breakfast food. He liked hard boiled eggs and also soft boiled eggs that he would spoon out of the shell with a little spoon and plenty of salt. After eating we had a great time running around and picking flowers until it was time to go home. We all loved it when dad would do spontaneous things like that. To this day I love to eat hard boiled eggs with fresh mint leaves wrapped in soft flat bread we call Lavash and plenty of salt.